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Croatian Film Editors is a professional association that gathers film and TV editors. The main goal of the association is to strengthen the position of film editors in the audiovisual industry. Strengthening the position of film editors is planned through better local and international connections, education and representation of this aspect of film production. Editing is by nature an isolated activity and to that extent we feel that it is extremely important for our development to maintain professional connections and continuous education throughout the globe.
All of the above also aims to raise the overall quality of Croatian film and other audiovisual works. In addition to cooperation with international associations of editors, we also maintain close and intensive cooperation with other professional associations and institutions in the field of audiovisual production and education. Raising professional standards as well as protecting the profession are also among the goals of the association.
Blink GFE
JSE – Japan Society of Editors
AMEE – Asociación Mexicana de Editoras y Editores
ECCA – Editores Cinematográficos Colombianos Asociados
SCEV – Sociedad Cinematográfica de Editores de Venezuela
MPEG – Motion Picture Editors Guild
ACE – American Cinema Editors
BFE – British Film Editors
KUDA – Kurgucular Dayanışması
NCE – Nederlandse vereniging van Cinema-Editors
SFK – Föreningen Sveriges Filmklippare
SSFV – Schweizer Syndikat Film und Video
AMMAC – Associación de Muntadores i Muntadors Audiovisuals de Catalunya
AMAE – Asociación de Montadores Audiovisuales de España
SAGE – South African Guild of Editors
PSM – Polskie Stowarzyszenie Montazystów
NFK – Norske filmklippere
AFEK – Association of Film Editors Kenya
AMC – Associazione Montaggio Cinematografico e Televisivo
EGIL – Editors Guild of Israel
ISE – Irish Screen Editors
HSE – Magyar Film- és Videóvágók Egyesülete
BFS – Bundesverband Filmschnitt
AEA Austrian Editing Association
SAE – Sociedad Argentina de Editores Audiovisuales
AFS – Asociace Filmovych Strihacu a Striacek
DFKS – Dansk Filmklipperselskab
CCE – Canadian Cinema Editors
ASE – Australian Screen Editors Guild
FCE – Finnish Cinema Editors
LMA – Les Monteurs Associés
EDT – Associação de Profissionais de Edição Audiovisual
EDA – Asociación Argentina de Editorxs Audiovisuales